Favourite Five YouTube Workout Instructors

Finding time to exercise is always a challenge isn’t it? And for me, I can easily tell myself I need to do something else on my ‘to do’ list. And as I get older I am not exactly jumping out of bed in the morning with boundless energy! It’s more of a tentative steps greeted by creaking of joints and bones.

However, I passionately believe that moving and doing exercise is an essential part of wellbeing. Do not for one minute think that I’m an ultra marathon running crazy lady, I am not. I just try and do my bit and keep active by trying to do a variety of activities like walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, pilates, HIIT and LIIT. I know what you’re thinking, what on earth is HIIT and LIIT? Well I didn’t really know either until a couple of years ago, but I have learnt the exercise lingo from watching YouTube videos and now feel a bit better informed. HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training and LIIT is Low Intensity Interval Training.

Just as an aside I only last week came across AMRAP on a Joe Wicks’ workout and was completely puzzled by the title until he explained what it was: As Many Reps As Possible in a fixed time. Who knew?

We have all spent much more time at home in the last couple of years with the global pandemic and so I thought I would try out what YouTube has to offer for free. Initially I used my ipad for YouTube hidden away in my bedroom. Feeling a bit braver I have now migrated to watching YouTube on my lounge TV, but only when there’s no danger of the teenagers bounding in while I’m in flow flow.

My top five free YouTube workout instructors

On YouTube I try and do a mixture of yoga, pilates, HIIT and LIIT depending on how I’m feeling. Each of the instructors below have so many different videos to choose from you could honestly try a different one everyday for a year. If I find one that I really like I save it to my YouTube library so that I can easily find it again. Or alternatively if you press ‘subscribe’ (it is free which is a bit misleading I think) then this will be saved automatically under your subscriptions .

The following instructors are in no particular order and purely my own opinion; no affiliates or sponsorship are involved.

1. Mr and Mrs Muscle

Focussed, professional, no annoying chatter - each workout is typically 10, 15 or 20 minutes long

I love this style of workout, the screens are really clear with a countdown timer, visual image of which muscles are being worked on in each exercise and no talking by the instructor. It has music (although some are available with no music so you can listen to your own music choice) and so there’s no one shouting at you to keep going or do more! It’s focussed, to the point and has a great backdrop as its filmed in a high rise apartment in Dubai.

2. Chloe Ting

Friendly, professional, no annoying chatter– each workout is typically 10, 15 or 20 minutes long

Chloe has a huge following with millions of subscribers and is really popular with the younger followers. I am probably not a typical follower (too old!) but I really like her workouts as they are usually pretty short and to the point. She does a voice over which is brief and so you don’t have lots of chatter and shouting at you throughout the workout. It’s filmed in a white studio and has clear countdown timer on the screen and shows you what’s coming next. The 10 minute abs sessions are really tough but I find them effective.

3. Joe Wicks

Uplifting, positive, heart-felt – workouts are usually 10, 15,20 or 30 minutes

Joe really needs no introduction and has become a global superhero since his PE with Joe workouts during the Covid lockdown in 2020. However he really isn’t just for kids, he has so many fantastic workouts for all levels. I actually really love the ones he did pre Covid when he travelled to some fabulous places and filmed short workouts on the beach or by a pool. Although many of his workouts are 10 or 15 minute HIIT sessions, so pretty full on, he does also have lower intensity ones and specific knee friendly ones. There’s also workouts for the abs, stretching and foam rolling, he pretty much covers everything so there’s definitely something for everyone. His chat throughout the workout is so encouraging and you can’t help but love him and his passion for exercise and the wellbeing benefits it can give.

 4. Yoga with Adriene

Positive, heart-warming, personal – workouts vary between 10-60 minutes

Adriene really is the Queen of YouTube yoga and has millions of subscribers together with literally hundreds of yoga sessions for all levels. She is American and has such a calming, soothing voice that you can’t fail to feel good after one of her workouts. She offers gentle encouragement throughout and never enver rushes so you feel that you are in safe hands at all times. Usually Adriene has her dog Benji somewhere nearby during the session, usually having a sleep, again providing a reassuring and comforting vibe. There’s also lots of journey sessions that she has released, where you can follow a specific set of say 30 sessions and see how you develop. They’re great for a new year or new exercise resolution.

5. Sarah Beth Yoga

Friendly, clear instruction, warming– workouts typically vary between 10-60 minutes

Sarah Beth is one of my recent finds and is a true gem. Her approach is so clear and calm and her voice just so lovely and warm but with a good sense of humour too. She generally speaks as a voiceover to give clear and simple instruction and the yoga sessions are filmed in a white studio, adding to the calming atmosphere. There are yoga workouts for all levels, even sessions which are focussed on achieving a beach body! Extremely achievable moves, you definitely won’t find complex and ridiculously hard poses here. Sarah Beth believes that more frequent and shorter sessions are more beneficial than, say, one long session per week. I think she’s absolutely right: little and often is best!

6. Boho Beautiful

Calm, beautiful, reassuring– workouts typically vary between 10-60 minutes

Another recent discovery on YouTube, this couple offer such fabulous yoga, pilates and meditation sessions for all levels. They are filmed in such idyllic locations and have truly inspiring backdrops of the ocean, beaches and forests. You can’t fail to love the locations and imagine that you are there too! Generally the sessions don’t have live chat but a voiceover clearly and simply providing reassuring instruction. This works so well and helps to really experience the beautiful atmosphere of the workout. ou really can’t help but be inspired and uplifted at the end of a session.

And there’s so many more….

Take the plunge and search on YouTube for home workouts and you will literally find thousands of free sessions them to choose from! The most important thing though? Find instructors that you feel aligned to, there’s nothing worse than being frustrated or irritated by them, it really won’t want to make you come back for more! And remember to listen to your own body and do what is comfortable and right for you, don’t be reckless and jump around like an idiot and wonder why you’ve hurt yourself, take care out there.


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