Favourite Five Wellbeing Podcasts

What exactly is a podcast?

Just over a year ago, I didn’t actually know. I was vacuuming the house listening to the sound of the, well, vacuum, and thought why not multi-task and listen to something useful at the same time?

Tentatively, I started with Desert Island Discs, I’d heard of that one and it had been going for years and years so must be decent. As a gentle introduction, I searched Spotify for the David Beckham and Gary Barlow episodes.

Using my trusty old wireless earphones and with my phone tucked into my running belt clipped round my waist, I listened rather indulgently. Duster in one hand and polish in the other, I cheerily moved from room to room transported to a dreamworld of boybands and footballers.

Handsfree listening, multi-tasking and time for myself

Feeling brave, I expanded my Spotify search to the podcast charts and discovered there are literally thousands and thousands of them. During the last year I have spent many happy hours listening to podcasts. Housework has taken on a whole new meaning, you won’t see me cleaning the bathroom or mopping the floor without my earphones in.

Recently my husband bought me new airpods for my birthday which have a noise cancelling option to quite literally reduce the sound of the vacuum to practically nothing.

During the various lockdowns I have found listening to friendly and welcoming voices a real comfort and at the risk of sounding corny, I really have learnt a lot about myself and have felt reassured that others experience similar emotions, feelings and thoughts. 

With earphones on you can literally listen to anything without risk of a teenager or husband overhearing, so alongside the wellbeing ones, it’s a great opportunity to listen into the ones providing a little bit of guilty pleasure, fun or learning something new.

My top five wellbeing podcasts

So here’s my top 5 wellbeing podcasts to lift your spirits or provide some well-deserved ‘me’ time (in no particular order and purely my own opinion; no affiliates or sponsorship involved).

1. Shagged, Married, Annoyed with Chris & Rosie Ramsay

Uplifting, funny, rude - each episode approx. 1 hour


Having seen Chris Ramsay on Strictly Come Dancing towards the end of 2019 I thought he looked a nice guy so decided to give his podcast a go.  What a discovery- I still remember the first episode I listened to while cleaning out my garage in the freezing cold!

Chris & his wife Rosie chat, annoy each other, laugh and read out emails sent in by the public (or ‘Questions from the pu-pu-public’ as they like to call it).  I absolutely love listening to them, there are so many laugh out loud moments, a warning though there can be really quite disgustingly rude stories and lots of swearing. They’ve just passed 100 episodes and are better than ever. 

The best bit for me? The fact that I’m innocently doing my housework with my family completely having no idea what I am listening to.  They would be shocked if they could hear- they probably don’t think I would ever listen to something as rude as this!


2. Feel Good, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

Self-care, inspiring, thought provoking – each episode approx. 1.5 hours


Dr Chatterjee really is growing in popularity and absolutely justifiably so. Each week he has a guest speaker, chatting in depth about topics such as sleep, food, loneliness, positivity and exercise. His guests are truly inspirational and experts in their own field, with conversation having an informal and empathetic feel rather than a scripted interview.

It’s always combined with practical steps and helpful take-aways that you can take into your own lives and really provides great motivation.  They are also available on YouTube to watch if you prefer to see rather than listen, but actually I love the podcast as I can find I concentrate more easily with the added bonus I can move around the kitchen or go on a walk while I listen.

Rangan has such empathy and is so genuine and honest, he brings such a down to earth approach to the conversations.

3. Slo Mo with Mo Gawdat

Uplifting, positive, heart-felt – each episode approx. 45 mins


I first heard Mo Gowdat when he was a guest on the podcast ‘How to Fail’ with Elizabeth Day (another great listen). I searched him out on Spotify and found he started a podcast in 2020 to provide some time out and positivity during the first lockdown.

In 2014, Mo tragically lost his son Ali to preventable medical error during a simple surgical procedure. Profoundly impacting on his life and purpose, he is now on a mission to make a billion people happy.

Guest speakers in each episode focus on a specific area of self-care or wellbeing, and thought provoking and uplifting conversation follows. Mo has a reassuring and calm voice, listening is a perfect tonic if you need a lift and reassurance in these challenging times.

 4. The High Performance Podcast with Jake Humphrey and Damian Hughes

Reflective, thought provoking, uplifting – each episode approx. 1 hour


Secretly having a bit of a crush on Jake (did I just write that?), I happened to come across this podcast on one of my Spotify searches and hit the jackpot, its really is such an interesting listen each week. Jake and Damian (a Professor & psychologist) chat to a ‘high performing’ guest and find out what makes them tick, why they are who they are, and their successes and failures.

The guest list is top quality and although many are top sports people (e.g. Gareth Southgate, Frank Lampard, Steven Gerrard), there are also many other non-sporting high performers (such as Michelle Mone, Holly Tucker, Kelly Jones).

The combination of Jake and Damian is perfect and at the end of each episode the two of them have a feedback discussion and pick out key learnings and thoughts, most of which also apply to those of us who are not winning premiership titles or running multi million pound businesses. 

Check out the episode with Jonny Wilkinson, the former England Rugby Union player, it will blow your mind, well it did mine!

5. Fortunately with Fi Glover and Jane Garvey

Chatty, reflective, funny – each episode approx. 1 hour


Two midlife females chatting about various everyday events with a guest joining them each week. It’s been running for a while now and pre-Covid they actually sat outside in the café at the BBC to record the podcast.  However as with all things, they’ve now migrating to being virtual but the only difference is there’s no background clinking of cups anymore.

Fi and Jane are intelligent, dry witted, mums to teenagers and menopausal, so instantly I felt a real connection (well apart from my intelligence levels). 

At the end of each episode I feel like I’ve been sitting with friends listening to the various random topics with a few laughs along the way. Comforting and reassuring especially in these lockdown times.

6. Bonus favourite podcast- Radio Headspace with Andy Puddicombe

Ok I’m finding it extremely hard to limit my favourite podcasts to just five so here’s another one for free!

Thought provoking, reassuring, calm – each episode approx. 5 mins


Former monk and Headspace co-founder Andy considers how we can live a life that best reflects our limitless potential.

A great daily 5 minute listen every weekday, just the thing to start your day while unloading the dishwasher. The topics are varied and being less than 5 minutes really are easy to digest and take away for the day. Perfect.

And there’s so many more….

Honestly it’s been really difficult to limit my favourite podcasts to just 5, there are so many fantastic ones out there and in these tricky times, there really is something for everyone to provide that bit of escapism or positivity.

And even better you can multi-task and escape into your own world while you listen. So start that ironing mountain, listen to a podcast and enjoy!

Multi tasking housework and podcasts,…..result!


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